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Retracting or canceling your bid - eBay阿龍:「面試官!我都說大家公認我不是一盞省油的燈了,為什麼你還是不錄用我呢!?」 面試官:「駱思龍先生,不好意思,現在油價飆漲,講求的是節約能源,我們公司要的是省油的燈啦!」How long do I have to retract a bid? If you meet any of the conditions for retracting a bid, consult the table to determine if you meet the time restrictions. The timing in live auction event works a little differently than that of other auction-style lis...


uBid - Official Site美術課上,老師要學生畫抽像圖。 不久,一學生交來一張用毛筆圖的黑烏烏的紙, 老師問:「你畫的是什麼?」 學生答:「深夜。」 Online auction house featuring varied merchandise from sporting goods to computers....


Auction Sniper: eBay Sniper and eBay Bidding snipe, bid sniping for eBay有三個人去買早餐第一個人說:「老闆!一個漢堡不要蛋清!」 第二個人說:「老闆我也一ㄍ漢堡,但是我不要蛋黃!」 老闆覺得現在的小孩都太麻煩了,所以有點生氣。 老闆對第三個人很大聲的說:「哪你不要什麼!!」 第三個人有點害怕的說:「我..我..我...不要蛋殼」  Auction Sniper is a free ebay sniper that automates the process of placing your bid at the auction closing. Place eBay auction bidding snipe automatically. ... You've come to the right place. Auction Sniper is an eBay sniper that automates the process of ...


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DealDash™ - Bid & Save - The fair & honest bidding site為了維持班上秩序, 老師規定凡是上課講話的都要到教室後面罰站, 並且把說話的內容大聲說十次。 有一天,上課的時候, 小明和鄰座的同學竊竊私語,被老師逮個正著。 老師怒道:「小明,到後面罰站, 把你剛剛說的話再大聲說十次。」小明低著頭走到教室後頭, 開始喃喃的低聲說著。 老師怒斥:「大聲一點!讓全班都Bid on auctions and save. All auctions start at $0 with no minimum reserve. Everything must go! DealDash is the fair and honest bidding site. ... Back Sign In Dashboard Start Bidding! Create Account Auctions How does it work? What's the catch? Winners...
