bid tid qd

qd, bid, tid, qid (doses) | WordReference Forums淡淡的哀傷~ Good Morning, I´d like know entire extension for "bid" (USA). I saw in medical prescription about drug dose. Similar is "tid" that I translated as... ... bid is twice a day. A latin abbreviation. qd = once daily bid = twice a day tid = three times a day q...


[Zambon] Fluimucil A 600mg Effervescent Tablets_Respiratory_Shinsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. - Pow這樣還有哪個男生敢搭訕!?? Indications: 1. Acute & chronic respiratory tract infections with abundant mucous secretions. 2. All forms of bronchitis, emphysema & bronchopulmonary complications with mucostasis. 3. Bronchial catarrh associated with pulmonary tubercular forms, bronchit...


What does qid bid tid in drug dose mean - Answers - The Most Trusted Place for Answering Life's Ques天阿~真是太銷魂了!!!! They are directions indicating how many times per day the dose should be administered. It goes like this: SID or QD = Once a day BID = Twice a day TID = Three times a day QID = Four times a day However, The Joint Commission which acredits hospitals and .....
