Big Brother 15 Live Feeds Explained – FAQ | Big Brother 161.被巨型廣告牌砸死內布拉斯加州的Diana Durre在事發時正坐在自己的貨車駕駛室中,當她注意到75尺(23米)高的廣告牌倒向自己的車時,一切都晚了。由於當天風力較大,廣告牌距地面15尺(4.5米)高處一個焊點發生斷裂,直直地砸在Diana所在的貨車頂上。Diana本來要約見一對懷俄明來的夫婦,This year on Big Brother 15, for the first time in thirteen seasons, the Big Brother Live Feeds will not be on SuperPass through Real. Instead CBS will be hosting the Feeds directly along with the sign-up process. The shift from what we’re all used to has...