王菲是怎樣讓謝霆鋒上癮一輩子 女人一定要看!!
Big data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and productivity | McKinsey & Company 竇唯說王菲女強人。李亞鵬說王菲女漢子。謝霆鋒說王菲就是個小女孩兒。其實理由很簡單:當女人遇到能給自己安全感的男人時候,會情不自禁的撒嬌,發嗲,任性,甚至智商清零。如果你覺得她是女強人、女漢子,那麼理由就是你還不夠強也不夠愛她… 男人三大責任 1讓父母驕傲。2讓自己的女人成為最幸福的女Big data will become a key basis of competition, underpinning new waves of productivity growth, innovation, and consumer surplus—as long as the right policies and enablers are in place. A McKinsey Global Institute article....