big data mining ppt

Big data ppt - Upload, Share, and Discover Content on SlideShare ▲他撿到正妹的照片。(source:左:sohu/右:PTT,下同)左圖為示意圖,非本人   大家好,我是小白兔~ 如果是你,你在路上騎車時意外發現有正妹的照片,你會因為好奇心而撿起來看嗎? 根據PTT報導,有一名男網友在騎車等紅綠燈時,意外發現一張正妹的照片,他心想:「怎會有人把這東西Introduction toBIG DATA Thiru ... Transcript 1. Introduction toBIG DATA Thiru 2. What is BIGDATA? variety-what-you-need-to-know-about-big-data...


Big Data v Data Mining - Upload, Share, and Discover Content on SlideShare ▲很撩人啊。(source:youtube,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 說到的日本女星長澤雅美,大家紛紛會給她「氣質」、「清新」等正面的評語,最近她又以精湛的演技成功轉型成實力派演員,近日她替Under Armour的運動品牌打廣告,不料廣告一出,很多男網友都興奮了! 根據youtThere are as many views and definitions of Data Mining as there are people working in and on the topic. Confusion reigns and people ask; what is it; why do we… ... Transcript 1. Big - Data - Mining The differences, gains and application ......


Chapter 1 Introduction: Data-Analytic Thinking ▲你看得懂嗎?(source:頭條號主段子,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 苦悶的上班日,常常帶給上班族鬱悶的心情,但是你們有想過永遠沒有休假的兔編的心情嗎?沒有,你們沒有!人家也想要有人生,以及寫的文章是有知心人能夠理解並支持,兔編才有動力繼續寫下去啊~~(兔編瘋了,請勿理會) 根據Chapter 1 Introduction: Data-Analytic Thinking * “ ” “ ” Data and Data Science Capability as a Strategic Asset The prior sections suggest one of the fundamental principles of data science: data, and the capability to extract useful knowledge from data, sh...


Data Mining Course ▲試著戳戳看照片。(source:頭條號主哈哈達人,下同)   大家好,我是小白兔~ 今天是星期五,即使上班族的苦悶即將暫時終結一段日子,但是身為編輯的兔編還是覺得非常痛苦,為了每天產出大家喜歡看的議題,兔編幾乎是24小時隨時stand by陪著大家。 根據頭條號主哈哈達人報導,以下是5Data Mining Course teaching modules, for a 14-week undergraduate course, developed by Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro and Gary Parker. ... Here are the teaching modules for a one-semester introductory course on Data Mining, suitable for advanced undergraduates ...


Microsoft Big Data |authorSTREAM - Upload, Share and Search Presentations, Templates On authorSTR ▲長腿妹!(source: 爆廢公社,以下同)   大家好我是云編~ 編編很好奇,大家看女生身材的時候,最著重看什麼部位呢?像編編最喜歡看妹子的腿。大家不覺得妹子的腿真的很讚嗎?!像神力女超人蓋兒賈多特的腿就超讚的啊!咳咳,總之言歸正傳,一名網友在爆廢公社分享了他在便利商店看到的長腿妹子Nosql big data Hadoop with microsoft: Nosql big data Hadoop with microsoft Ing. Eduardo Castro Martinez, PhD Facebook ecastrom Twitter edocastro Youtube eduardocastrom...


Enriching semantic knowledge bases for opinion mining in big data applications原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 最近好像吹起了真人版電影的風。而且近期《銀魂》的電影版非常成功,也讓人對真人版電影增添許多信心σ`∀´)σ 咲櫻也非常期待更多的真人版電影,而這一次要介紹的是即將要發行真人版電影的Jump三巨頭之一:死神BLEAbstract This paper presents a novel method for contextualizing and enriching large semantic knowledge bases for opinion mining with a focus on Web intelligence platforms and other high-throughput big data applications. The method is not only applicable t...
