Alfa Romeo背棄傳統大豪賭 全新四門轎跑Giulia Forum: Relocation, Moving, General and Local City Discussions銳利動感外觀與廠徽設計 ‧品牌首見後輪驅動轎跑車款 ‧性能版動力達510匹、重量馬力比小於3kg/hp ‧國內售價 Quadrifoglio性能版預估500萬起 ‧國內預估上市時間 2016年Q3 今年的6月24日,是全球蛇迷引頸企盼的日子,這天除了是Alfa Romeo創立105週年的紀念日,同時Please register to participate in our discussions with 1.5 million other members - it's free and quick! Some forums can only be seen by registered members. After you create your account, you'll be able to customize options and access all our 15,000 new po...