big hug burger menu

DA'Burger Loves You 在西方文化有一幅流傳世紀的經典壁畫名稱“最後的晚餐”,而在我們的習俗中有句聽了就會讓人心有戚戚焉的“吃飽好上路”,對於人類結束生命的最後一餐無論是中西方國家,重視程度都是不可輕易忽略。日前新西蘭攝影師Henry Hargreaves透過廚師朋友的協助DA’Burger’s new take on the Humble Burger Our simple yet DA'licious take on the humble burger is built around 3 key elements; the bakery, the meat and the salad. They make up the DA’Burger Triangle. We love burgers so much that we have literally engineere...


Our Menu - Welcome To The Carriage House Cafe 【JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此】 你看到的不是什麼分割圖,而且設計師 Abraham Poincheval 的新居設計圖。什麼?你沒有看錯,他就是要住在大熊的身體裡面。所說的大熊當然不是真真正正的一頭毛熊。但 Abraham Poincheval 就是決定做一頭相似度超高的大毛熊! 在大SANDWICHES SERVED WITH FRIES AND FIXIN'S Sliced Smoked Brisket Sandwich Our briskets are slowly smoked for 16 hours. Chopped Smoked Brisket Sandwich A big pile of chopped Bar-B-Que on a toasted bun. Crispy Chicken Fried Chicken Sandwich...


22 Burger Recipes For National Burger Month | Serious Eats今天說的這個俄羅斯土豪,叫德米特里·雷波諾列夫。。。 他今年47歲。。從1990年就開始跟著父親一起做生意。。跟著其他俄羅斯土豪一起投資各種企業股票。 1992年他選了一家俄羅斯最大的鉀肥生產企業,各種暗戳戳的買了3年,終於在1995最終獲得控股地位。經營了10多年,終於2007年在倫I don't know who it is that designated May as National Burger month, but I'd like to give them a big, sloppy, greasy, onion-scented, cheese-covered kiss on the mouth. Or perhaps just a hug is fine. What better excuse to celebrate our national sandwich (na...


Hopdoddy Burger Bar - 614 Photos - Burgers - University Park - Dallas, TX - Reviews - Menu - Yelp867 reviews of Hopdoddy Burger Bar "I'm so happy there's a hopdoddy so close to me now! Before, I had to go to Austin and wait in a ridiculous line to satisfy my hopdoddy craving. You would think the service is slow because of its popularity…...


Turkey Bacon Angus Thickburger - Best Burger Delivery, Hardee’s Arabia Restaurant, Order Now大哥難度係數挺大的,看著都覺得膝蓋生疼。 這是技術活啊!你是少林寺跑出來的猴子嗎?練著這等神功。 路過南京秦淮區水游城時,看見一位另類的乞討者,很有難度, 只見這名男子跪在3個品字形的飲料瓶上。 問其為什麼這樣,男子如此回答,這樣可以一邊乞討,一邊練功。 這樣頗有難度的奇特乞討方式吸引了路過市民的目Order Thickburger online from Hardee’s Arabia Restaurant & grab ongoing offers. Introducing Turkey Bacon Angus Thickburger. The new bold taste. ... Like our Facebook page and stay up to date with our latest news! Hardee's unmatched taste and variety offer...


Our Cafe - Fresh and Simple 上圖中的這位大叔,是學校掃地工.. 平常主要負責掃操場... 但是每到下雪的時候.... 他都會用掃帚在操場雪上畫畫..... 簡直就是隱藏神級人物. .....  Bacon & Egg Roll We serve our famous B&E's with a soft yolk & crispy bacon on a toasted, floured bun. All you need to do is choose your sauce and enjoy. $6.50 Not so Big Breakfast 2 Fried eggs, 1 rasher of crispy bacon, served with your choice of 2 pc's o...
