22 Burger Recipes For National Burger Month | Serious Eats ▲韓國妹子自拍影片,引起網友熱議。(翻攝影片) 最近這個影片讓網友看了都窒息了!台灣網友15日貼了一段正妹自拍影片,畫面中的白肌女孩長相甜美,嘴裡說韓文,但許多網友都把注目焦點放在她豐滿的上圍上,許多網友看了充滿壓迫感,忍不住說「這真的讓人很難呼吸啊~」 「我身旁的人說,突然有一秒,他無法呼吸I don't know who it is that designated May as National Burger month, but I'd like to give them a big, sloppy, greasy, onion-scented, cheese-covered kiss on the mouth. Or perhaps just a hug is fine. What better excuse to celebrate our national sandwich (na...