10 of the Best: Kevlar jeans - John Doe Kamikaze - Page 10 - Product features - Visordown 本文獲得微信公眾號 英國那些事兒 hereinuk 授權,原始標題:他把一句話複製粘貼一百遍,就被斯坦福錄取了??這一切背後,才沒那麼簡單.. 照片裡這個小哥名叫Ziad Ahmed,是位孟加拉裔美國人。 Ziad暫時還是名高中生,就讀Andrew. Draggin make their Classic jeans upto a size 60" waist. Is that big enough? They call them Oversize & are available in the UK. I just wanted to clarify the issue concerning Kevlar jeans. All because jeans say they are Kevlar lined doesn't necessar...