Dress shoe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia婚姻這檔事──有麵包的愛情,才叫負責 童話故事的結尾,大概都會寫到,結婚以後,公主和王子從此過著幸福快樂的日子。還沒長大的女孩們,多多少少都曾幻想自己穿著白紗、走在紅毯的那一天。長輩也常對男孩們說,要趕快「成家立業」,成為一家之主。 但,結婚真的那麼好嗎? 婚姻就像圍城 內政部的統計資A dress shoe (U.S. English) is a shoe to be worn at smart casual or more formal events. A dress shoe is typically contrasted to an athletic shoe. Dress shoes are worn by many as their standard daily shoes, and are widely used in dance, for parties, and fo...