「Play by your rules. 各自表帥」The new Mercedes-Benz CL
AirAsia | BIG Shot ID Lookup作為新世代豪華小車家族第二代車型,The new CLA採用如雙門跑車般的車頂弧線勾勒車側輪廓,搭配雙門跑車般的無窗框車門設計,展現四門轎跑獨特性格,並達到優異的風阻係數表現0.23Cd。The new CLA更修長的車身線條,尺碼微幅放大至長4,688mm、寬1,830mm,車高略微降低至1,43Web Check-In is NOT available for: * Flights departing in more than 14 days * Flights departing in less than 1 hour for AirAsia or less than 4 hours for AirAsia X * Pregnant guests * Guest(s) travelling with infant(s) * Guest(s) with reduced mobility and ...