5個「難怪永遠有男生被正妹騙慘」的照片真相!實驗證明男生一看到#4 果然就蠢蠢欲動了!
Big Mama - the big mama blog ▲男生都超愛的波霸正妹,沒想到背後真相讓一堆男生爆氣了。(source:youtube,下同) 現在市面上充斥著各種修圖APP,自拍神器也是不斷地推陳出新,女生成為網路美女似乎不再是遙不可及的夢,只要運用好這5個技巧,相信路人也能變美女! 然而,這樣的現象卻造成許多男生的困擾,明明網So we left Houston yesterday around noon and made our way to Bryan/College Station. We drove into town, unloaded our car at Honey and Big's house and then decided to go see Nena. And it was only after we all piled back into Gulley's car that we … Read the...