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Search Engine Marketing (SEM) - Yahoo Bing Network 隨緣兩個字,是很多人的口頭禪。尤其是遇到困難,無法做好某件事情,不想管或管不了之時,脫口而出說:“隨緣吧!”其實,隨緣並不容易做到,要有真智慧的人,才能辦得到。 所謂“隨”,不是隨便或跟隨,是有一定的原則,順其自然,不怨恨,不躁進,不強求。何為&ldPeople search online for a product or service They enter search terms (called keywords) into search engines like Bing or Yahoo. They find your ad If the keywords in your ad match a search, your ad appears next to or above search results on Bing and Yahoo....


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