bing maps url scheme

ArcGIS Online moving to Google / Bing tiling scheme: What does this mean for you? | ArcGIS Blog我想女人也有一樣的感覺吧~ Earlier this year ESRI announced that ArcGIS Online services will be migrating to the Mercator-based tiling scheme used by Google Maps and Bing Maps. The ArcGIS Online engineers have been busy caching tiles for months in anticipation of this switch, which...


javascript - Creating a Bing and Google Tile Layer for Leaflet - Geographic Information Systems Stac大號說明書問世了!! I want to use the Leaflet Javascript Library to display both a Google and Bing Tile Layer, though I'm unsure how to construct the url. The documentation shows an example using OSM: var cloudmadeUr... ... Google Maps Google Maps forbids such uses. The only...
