老外學中文 看了不吐血才怪
Print-Bingo.com - a Free Bingo Card Generator by Perceptus 1、一老外去買菜,稱了點生菜,要二塊四毛,他把身上所有的零錢都給了小販,還缺一毛錢,所以他對小販說:“我的毛,都給你了,所以沒有毛了。”小販啞然,半天,回答:“你的毛我不要了。” 2、一個小姑娘教她的老外男友學中文,教他動物用“隻&rdqCreate your own bingo cards. We use PDF files for easy, pretty, printing of up to 1000 pages of custom bingo cards at a time. ... Print-Bingo.com is a completely web based program for printing many types of bingo cards, including those with your own custo...