Bio Oil Review (with PurCellin Oil) - YouTube 最近,杜江和霍思燕的兒子「嗯哼大王」,因為在《爸爸去哪兒》中萌噠噠的表現,又圈了一大波粉絲! ▼ 可萬萬沒想到的是,就在網友們都在討論「4歲的嗯哼好可愛」、「這一家三口好幸福」的時候,有媒體爆料: 「杜江、霍思燕夫婦除了嗯哼之外,居然還有一個一歲多的女兒?This my my 100% personal opinion on the review about the Bio Oil I think the bio oil works better on new scars and scars that is not badly cutted. I used it twice a day when I discover that I have a scar on my chin. About 2-3 weeks my scar disappear. Pric...