
BIS Website畢竟五官人人都有,再怎麼組合排列也就是眼睛小一點,嘴巴歪一點這樣的差別。不過如果要長得像是卡通人物,那又是另一回事了。 大家可能最近有在新聞上看到上面這位仁兄。他手臂上的那兩顆31吋的肉瘤肌肉剛替他獲得世界最大二頭肌的紀錄。這樣的size已經大過不少人的腰圍了吧!(不過會不會太走火入魔了一點啊?) September 11, 2014, Encryption Controls This full day program is an in-depth session that will focus on the unique provisions related to encryption under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). Bureau of Industry & Security (BIS) licensing officers w...


Basel Committee on Banking Supervision - Bank for International Settlements白目的事情每天在發生,雖然這不是什麼值得慶祝的好消息,但只要不是發生在自己身上,開心的當個旁觀者也是可以替生活舒壓解悶(小誤)。 1. 對朋友做的白目事 2. 3. 4. 對警察做的白目事 5. 對眾人做的白目事 6. 對同學做的白目事 7. 8. 9. 10. 對交通工具做的白目事 11. 12.A forum for regular cooperation on banking supervisory matters. ... Basel Committee on Banking Supervision The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision provides a forum for regular cooperation on banking supervisory matters....


Bis (band) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia原來騙人布也蠻厲害的...!!! Bis are a Scottish indie pop band composed of Steven Clark (Sci-fi Steven), John Clark (John Disco), and Amanda MacKinnon (Manda Rin). The band's name, rhyming with 'this', derives from "Black Iron Skyline", a lyric from the song Twilight of a Champion by...
