Ted Baker 秋冬優雅氣質洋裝打造時尚名媛 Olivia Palermo Look
The Official Site of Biscotti and Kate Mack. Designer childrens clothing from Biscotti and Kate Mack 在時尚界擁有超高知名度的美國第一名媛 Olivia Palermo,造型向來受到大眾矚目並吸引眾多追隨者,她也總是展現出自身的好品味,穿搭出不俗的千金風格。這次她選擇了Ted Baker秋冬新款洋裝,素雅的黑色搭配精緻的蕾絲細節,微透膚色的雪紡則流露出小性感,又再一次地展現她從不出錯的完美造型。 The Official Site of Biscotti and Kate Mack. Shop the new Fall Collections of Biscotti and Kate Mack for the latest designer children's fashions. Free standard shipping. Buy ......