DIY Drill Bit Cabinet w/ French Cleat - YouTube丈夫:「奇怪,現在怎麼那麼多女孩想當未婚媽媽?」 老婆:「為了傳宗接代啊!」 丈夫:「傳宗接代?那她為何不結婚?」 老婆:「結婚是替別人傳宗接代;不結婚是替自己傳宗接代!」 酒鬼丈夫在外面喝醉了酒,很晚才回到家。他又忘記帶鑰匙了,於是只好敲門。妻子開門出來,由於天黑I needed a way to organize my drill bits and other small tools near my drill press so I decided to make a relatively small DIY cabinet using just some scrap framing lumber and hang it on the wall with a french cleat. Darbin Orvar Shoppe http://darbinorvar...