
Bit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia介個是香蕉,看出來木有?。。。香蕉冰凍後沾上巧克力醬,和冰激凌味道差不多~~~絢爛哦!~A bit is the basic unit of information in computing and digital communications.[1] A bit can have only one of two values, and may therefore be physically implemented with a two-state device. These values are most commonly represented as either a 0or1. The...


BitComet(比特彗星) - 高效好用的BT下載軟體,BT資源的下載利器你們的ipad神馬的弱爆了!看哥的限量版筆記本!BitComet(比特彗星)不只是一個強大的BT下載軟體 長效種子:獨有的長效種子功能,能顯著提高下載速度,延長種子壽命 種子市場:用戶可以共享任務列表,也可以瀏覽下載其他人共享的任務。 HTTP/FTP下載:應用領先的P2P技術,大大減輕下載伺服器負擔 ......


BitTorrent - Official Site一朋友女朋友即將到國外出差,走之前說給他把屋子換一個新床。他高興的不行,天天拉著我們吹噓他女朋友對他有多好。結果貨一到,他抱著我就淚奔了。。。哭的那個慘呀。。。BitTorrent is a leading software company with the fastest torrent client and sync and share software for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS and Android. ... Sync uses BitTorrent technology to provide fast and private file sharing. Every transfer is direct, from dev...


Bit dictionary definition | bit defined - Dictionary definitions you can understand - YourDictionaryto clench the bit between the teeth, so that it fails to restrain: said of horses to be beyond control noun a small piece or quantity a small extent or limited degree: often used with a and having adverbial force: a bit bored a short time; moment: wait a ...


bit - definition of bit by The Free Dictionary請大家解惑!頭怎麼開燈? bit 2 (bĭt) n. 1. The sharp part of a tool, such as the cutting edge of a knife or axe. 2. A pointed and threaded tool for drilling and boring that is secured in a brace, bitstock, or drill press. 3. The part of a key that enters the lock and engages the ...
