Bitter:Sweet - Bittersweet Faith (Original) - YouTube 靠北男友原文:https://www.facebook.com/complai ... 0224021?pnref=story 以前我們沒有車,去哪都只能搭公車。後來你有了一台小QC,帶著我和嘟嘟去更多地方走走。又過了一陣子,你覺得小QC太可愛,就換了一台帥帥的ES,可是之後就不那麼常帶我們出去玩This is the original song from the album "The Mating Game"! Also was in The Devil Wears Prada (2006).. Took me ages to find this song. Lyrics are below. No regrets Everything will work out fine We'll hold our breath Wait for another sign I've tasted Your ...