bittorrent wiki

BitTorrent tracker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia媽媽如何訓練孩子.....(立即進來了解)A BitTorrent tracker is a special type of server, one that assists in the communication between peers using the BitTorrent protocol. In peer-to-peer file sharing a software client on an end-user PC requests a file, and portions of the requested file resid...


Optimize BitTorrent To Outwit Traffic Shaping ISPs - Wired How-To Wiki麻咪!打開抽屜後就有好料的嗎?(立即進來了解)These days, nothing worries an internet service provider more than peer-to-peer file trading. Depending on where you live, P2P can account for between 50 and 75% of broadband internet traffic. We mostly have the popularity of BitTorrent to thank for this ...
