BlackBerry Bold 9790 - Full phone specifications根據媒體報導,藝人小嫻(黃瑜嫻)2012年底結婚後,身為人妻的她,身材反而越來越好,狂鏟15公斤肥肉的奮鬥過程至今仍被網友們瘋狂討論!而她歷經2年漫長的減重過程,肉體竟又有了最新的進化,雖然三餐都正常吃,但卻練出超深超立體的川字腹肌,看到網友們直呼女神啊。 圖/取自小嫻臉書、翻攝自YouTube)下9790 u1Di 10 Jan 2016 What can I say is a pretty descent business phone with absolutely long battery life. And you can opt for 9810 as an alternative to this but I find this one better. I have previous experience with a 8520, 9800, 9860 and now 9790 but I...