BlackBerry 7 Smartphones Buyers Guide: Bold 9900 vs. Bold 9790 | CrackBerry.com 話說...這種動物不知道大家認不認識... 它叫縞獴(Banded Mongoose)又稱橫斑獴, 是一種獴科(Mongoose)動物... 因為身上有一條條的條紋而得名... 獴科動物裡邊比較有名的丁滿,應該算是它們的遠房親戚-。- 縞獴的Can't decide between the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and the BlackBerry Bold 9790? Let us help! ... im with tmobile usa and the os for 9900 is .250 not sure if this is the reason my bb keeps restarting in its own. i dig the 9900 which i thought be too big since ...