BlackBerry Bold - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 憋了一年! 矽谷鋼鐵俠馬斯克終於把大招丟出來了! 記得去年,特斯拉Model 3自發布之後,便備受矚目。 可因為特斯拉一貫的“難產”,又令無數人從無比興奮中變為了牽腸掛肚,吊著脖子望眼欲穿。 但上週,萬眾The BlackBerry Bold 9650 is part of the 9600 device series which takes design cues from both its predecessor, the BlackBerry Tour 9630, as well as its GSM variant, the BlackBerry Bold 9700 & the BlackBerry Bold 9780. Changes from the Tour include built-in...