BlackBerry Q10 - BlackBerry 10 Smartphone With QWERTY Keyboard - US 翻拍自 toutiao 下同 據buzzfeed網站26日報道,美國舊金山灣區有個17歲的少年在舊金山現代藝術博物館參觀展覽時,順手將一副眼鏡放到了地上,觀察大家的反應。 然後,他發現人們漸漸地圍了過來,為藝術駐足了… Meet the new BlackBerry Q10 with classic BlackBerry Keyboard re-engineered for effortless typing. See pictures, view specs & find out where to buy. - US ... Intelligent calendar Create events and meetings effortlessly with a calendar that knows who to inv...