Monday rumor: BlackBerry Z50 and Q30 scheduled to release in 2014 | CrackBerry.com 常年網上購物,難免遇到假貨,在日本也是一樣。 用心的 造假廠商能以假亂真,但是有些不用心的「 連字都寫錯 」,真讓人哭笑不得! 最近,有位日本網友在亞馬遜網購時,收到一雙仿冒無印良品的隱形襪,商品名稱完全拼錯了,而且已經錯了好幾年&helliIt's only Monday but some big rumors are already floating around about what's next in BlackBerry device-land. According to a report from Phone Arena, BlackBerry may already be hard at work on the next big devices with new CEO John Chen at the helm. While ...