blade runner 銀翼殺手

Blade Runner (1982) - IMDb1.機械系資優男生的求愛宣言:我身上這根過度浪漫的螺釘, 只有妳這顆精密完美的螺帽才能將我緊緊栓牢, 除了妳以外, 其他的不是太大就是太小。2.電子系才子才女的浪漫之夜:男: (臉紅紅)我是P極妳是N極, 我們永不分離, 組成最好的二極體。女: (羞答答)我要替你生一鍋愛的NPN電晶體.....3.Directed by Ridley Scott. With Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos. A blade runner must pursue and try to terminate four replicants who stole a ship in space and have returned to Earth to find their creator....


Off-world: The Blade Runner Wiki有一個成年男子來到一家旅館,他看到車庫裏有很多漂亮的車,於是就問老闆,怎麼有這麼多漂亮的車啊,老闆告訴他,我有一個五歲的兒子,他做三件事,如果你能跟著做到,這裏的車隨你挑一輛開走,如果不能,就把你的車留下。但很多人做不到,所以...他想,五歲的小孩能做到的,還能做不到嘛,於是就試一試。老闆就帶他到一Off-world: The Blade Runner Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! ... DID YOU KNOW..?....that there have been SEVEN versions of the film Blade Runner released? ....that most of the Blade Runner ......


Rick Deckard - Off-world: The Blade Runner Wiki爸爸說:「這次考試要能得到95分以上,我給你買小提琴!」兒子:「爸爸,考卷發下來,我得了96分!」爸爸說:「很好,不錯!這個月錢不夠用,下個月在買吧!」第二次月考後兒子說:「這是第二次月考的成績你看看!」爸爸說:「阿?才考59分為什麼?」兒子說:「這次分數不夠用,下次再說吧」爸爸…Rick Deckard is the protagonist in Ridley Scott's 1982 science-fiction film, Blade Runner. The......


Blade Runner Final Cut trailer - YouTube一個9歲的小男孩和一個4歲的小男孩走進一家雜貨店,這個9歲的男孩從貨架上拿了一包衛生巾,來到櫃檯付帳。服務員問: 你要買給你媽媽嗎?孩子, 不是,男孩回答。那麼,你肯定要買給你姐姐!也不是,男孩說。服務員疑惑了: 不給你媽媽,也不給你姐姐,你到底要買給誰呢?我要給我4歲的弟弟用,男孩說, 看電視上,Blade Runner: The Final Cut - New Release TRAILER (2015) Harrison Ford Sci Fi - Duration: 1:33. by JoBlo Movie Trailers 593,195 views...

全文閱讀 Vangelis: Blade Runner: Music初中生物老師是個30出頭的美女。 講到人的生殖,你懂的…… 為防止有的男生搞怪; 她說:爸爸的精子在媽媽的輸卵管裡遇到媽媽的卵細胞,然後就形成了受精卵,就是小小的你們啦!  果然,沒一個人亂鬧亂笑的。 突然,一2貨大呼:老師,爸爸的精子怎麼能進到媽媽的輸卵管裡啊Blade Runner was one of the finest sci-fi movies ever made, yet, due to contractual difficulties, Vangelis' moody score was never made available. But here 'tis, with some soundscapes not featured in the film. For years, the soundtrack to Blade ...

全文閱讀 Blade Runner (Five-Disc Complete Collector's Edition) [Blu-ray]: Harrison Ford, Sean You大蚊子諄諄告誡小蚊子:“夏天,是我們大展身手的時機,同時,也是四面埋伏陷阱的時期,今天,我給你們講蚊子防身術。” 小蚊子說:“我們與人打游擊,把肥的拖瘦,瘦的拖垮。” 大蚊子說:“那是過去,才打游擊戰。現在,科技發達,要打信息戰。大家不要好Visually spectacular, intensely action-packed and powerfully prophetic since its debut, Blade Runner returns in Ridley Scott's definitive Final Cut, including extended scenes and never-before-seen special effects, now seen in sepcatacular hi-definition! I...
