FAQ: Why is my Self-Service Portal/Service Catalog Blank? - The Official System Center Service Manag 原po: 第一個男朋友一個溫柔體貼的大男孩臉上有可愛的笑窩我們一起度過3年的高中青澀歲月從牽手都會害羞到一起探索彼此的敏感帶我們擁有彼此好多的第一次他是我人生中最純粹的戀愛可惜隨著他移民國外後不了了之第二個男友一個個性強勢且才華洋溢的男生他的大男人主義給了我最大的幸福卻也給了我最大的痛苦他會記得我Does your portal look like this? Here’s why: The Self-service portal is a SharePoint web site. That much is fairly obvious since you had to install SharePoint as a prerequisite. The menu options on the left take you to different pages on the SharePoint si...