Bleach: Memories of Nobody - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia大馬鬼才黃明志蒞臨《拜託了!愛情》,卻意外讓節目變成了《拜託了!色情》,種種暗示性的字眼及辛辣話題,更讓主持人許允樂差點接招不住,不斷嚷嚷著「好熱」。黃明志的高人氣不僅讓直播在線人數扶搖直上,聊天室更是充滿著馬來西亞粉絲熱情參與,而令人驚喜的,莫過於上季《拜託了!愛情》的主持人焦凡凡驚喜現身! 黃明Bleach: Memories of Nobody is the first animated film adaptation of the anime and manga series Bleach. Directed by Noriyuki Abe and written by Masashi Sogo, the film was first released in Japanese theaters on December 16, 2006. The DVD was released in Jap...