Blizzard Entertainment Games - IGN - Video Games, Wikis, Cheats, Walkthroughs, Reviews, News & Vide (電影「河豚」劇照,僅為示意) 故事的男主人公名叫Adam,出生於東倫敦,小時候其貌不揚,一和女孩子說話就臉紅那種。 高中的時候,他的同學們投票誰是將來最後一個找到女朋友的,Adam高居榜首! 但是現在的他,是這樣的↓↓ 從那以後,Adam深居簡出,越來越宅,離女人越來越遠。 All the games for which Blizzard Entertainment has been a publisher or developer and the release dates of the games ... Blizzard started off as a third-party developer for DOS, Mac, Genesis and SNES platforms, creating games like The Lost Vikings, Rock n'...