魂動Rotary Mazda RX-Vision Concept
Blizzard Entertainment:Career Opportunities 【蔡書銘/報導】2015東京車展將於10月29日開展,而Mazda旗下可望重新復出的Rotary概念車型:RX-Vision也終於現身,而這似乎也預告全新Skyactiv-R轉子引擎即將誕生。 Mazda於9月發表一張夢幻的預告圖片,表示在東京車展將會發表全新Sports Car Concept,Making Diablo, StarCraft, Warcraft and more gets us up in the morning. We were gamers before we started at Blizzard, and we’ve transformed our enthusiasm into our careers. Hard work, iteration and polish go into the “secret recipe” that’s placed us among ...