【Hanes】 2014秋 冬日系男性內著系列商品 繽紛登場!
Burberry Blue Label – Tokyo, Japan - Kineda – Visuals Beyond Compare™ Hanes 2014秋/冬日系男性內著系列商品,繽紛登場! 美國專業內衣品牌 Hanes 日本線系列一向以亞洲人的需求設計適合的花色及版型,在最新一季的內著系列中,除了延續以往的舒適度外,花色也不馬虎。 Hanes花系列/消臭機能平口褲 Hanes花系列/消臭機能平口褲 Hanes樹枝/印花平口褲Burberry Blue Label is cheaper than Burberry London. I think because it caters more to a younger crowd so they made it cheaper. I have gone to the Yokohama store and it’s pretty awesome. I got my friend a present last christmas that I bought from there, a...