blue ray wiki

Blu-ray - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 笑聲中常透著些許無奈。頗有一番哲理.... 一個成功的男人就是賺錢夠老婆花用 一個成功的女人就是找到這樣的男人( 肥歐那的男人需要努力的目標,哈!) 學生時代: 寧可沒人格 不可不及格  今天不作弊 明年當學弟 世界上最遙遠的距離是,我們兩一起出門,你去買蘋果四代,我去買四袋蘋According to Singulus Technologies AG, Blu-ray is being adopted faster than the DVD format was at a similar period in its development. This conclusion was based on the fact that Singulus Technologies has received orders for 21 Blu-ray dual-layer machines ...


Portal:Blu-ray - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia【十一個笑話.十一個道理】 ■事情的看法,是不是也反映出人內心真正的態度!父子二人看到一輛十分豪華的進口轎車。兒子不屑地對他的父親說:坐這種車的人,肚子裏一定沒有學問!父親則輕描淡地回答:說這種話的人,口袋裏一定沒有錢! ■人們習慣以不同標準來看人晚飯後,母親和女兒一塊兒洗碗盤,父親和兒子在客廳看電The Blu-ray Disc is capable of holding 50GB of data. The PlayStation 3 is a video game console and Blu-ray Disc player. In order to obtain the full high definition potential from a blu-ray player, you must have it connected to a high definition television...


Blu-ray Wiki - Wikia 相傳,歷史上的周瑜與諸葛亮有一段精彩的經典對話。 周瑜十分嫉妒諸葛亮的才智,總想找藉口殺他.在一次宴會上,周瑜對諸葛亮說:「孔明先生,我吟首詩你來對,對出來有賞,對不出殺頭問罪如何?」諸葛亮從容笑道:「軍中無戲言,請都督說。」 周瑜大喜,開口便道:有水便是溪,無水也是奚,去掉溪Blu-ray Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! ... Welcome to the Blu-ray Wikia The Blu-ray Wikia is on aim to become the biggest database catalogue of all Blu-ray titles ever released....


Blu-ray - Wikipedia電腦篇 英譯:Laser Printer 台灣:雷射印表機 vs 大陸:激光打印機 哈哈哈ㄏ哈~~~~原來河童也是大陸人~~~難怪他講"打印"~~~ 英譯:Floppy Disk;Hard Disk 台灣:軟碟;硬碟 vs 大陸:軟盤;硬盤 Blu-ray Disc Media type Heich-density optical disc Encodin H.262/MPEG-2 Part 2 H.264/MPEG-4 AVC VC-1 Capacity 25 GB (single-layer) 50.1 GB (dual-layer) 100.1/128 GB (BDXL) Block size 64 kb ECC Read mechanism 405 nm diode laser: 1× @ 36 Mbit/s (4.5 MB/s...


The Blu Ray Wiki - Wikia 萊德格拉夫拍攝的3款游艇分別是機動游艇Wally Ace、擁有630馬力的單層游艇Wally One以及164英尺(約合50米)長的Wally Sail, Better Place。圖為Wally Ace。沃利游艇公司建造的Wally Sail,Better Place,長164英尺(約合50米)The Blu Ray Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! ... Welcome to the Wiki Welcome to the Blu-Ray Wiki... What is Blu-Ray? I'm glad you brought it up. Blu-Ray is a beautiful vision of thought in a m...


Blu-ray Disc - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 在這些新發表的圖片中,Fabian Oefner將注意力轉向了氣壓:他在氣球表面塗上了厚厚的丙烯酸塗料,然後拍攝下用針扎破氣球後每1毫秒的圖像。最終在我們看到的這些圖片上,五顏六色的塗料似乎同時向內又向外擴散,呈現出迷人的效果。Fabian Oefner說:“氣球中的空氣爆炸式地膨脹,Blu-ray Disc is a high-density optical disc format similar to DVD. Blu-ray is the type of disc used for PlayStation 3 games and for playing high-definition (HD) movies. In the past, there were other standards for such movies, such as the HD DVD format. Bl...
