BMW 5 Series (E12) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaBy FLiPER 潮流藝文誌 大家有沒有無聊用 Photoshop 把照片中的兩張臉互換?呈現的效果常讓人捧腹大笑吧!而這一次我們不是要來換自己的照片,而是把電影或影集的劇照拿來惡搞一下 XD 或許你喜愛的角色會變得讓你傻眼,但同時你也會被這詼諧的畫面逗笑!現在,快來深呼吸一The BMW E12 BMW 5-Series was made between 1972 and 1981. The E12 was the first series to bear the 5 Series name: the '5' denoting BMW's fifth 'New Class' platform. Designed as a replacement for the popular BMW New Class mid-size sedan, the E12 5-Series mo...