BMW 5 Series (E12) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 不喜歡,不喜歡會出現很多涼背脊的故事的季節,身為一個無膽汁人......(飄)相信大家聽過許多經典動畫的都市傳說,像哆啦A夢、龍貓等等,但其實日本所謂的「都市傳說」並非都是「恐怖的」,而是很單純就大家字面上看到的一樣,就是一個都市傳說~總之,今天要分享的是前陣子在Twitter上被大The BMW E12 BMW 5-Series was made between 1972 and 1981. The E12 was the first series to bear the 5 Series name: the '5' denoting BMW's fifth 'New Class' platform. Designed as a replacement for the popular BMW New Class mid-size sedan, the E12 5-Series mo...