BMW 5 Series (E34) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 但你們知道的,男人嘛,光是測自己還不夠,也很想要測測別人的啊(喂~哪有這種事)所以今天就來分享一下「如何測量別人雞雞尺寸,又不會被告性騷擾」的方法!首先我們要對「雞雞的一般大小」有些基礎概念,以台灣男人來說,未勃起的長度應該是5-8公分,勃起後是8-18公分,平均長度落在10.5公分!A mid-range model which used a 6-cylinder engine. Like the 520i, the 525i was initially powered by the M20 engine, which was later updated to the M50 and M50TU engines. The 525i was the most popular E34 model globally, with 566,573 units produced. [citati...