CooL People|這是90年代! Julia Wu 吳卓源 樂於成為「鄉民的老婆」 COOL
BMW 3 Series (E36) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia以下訪談 COOL 簡稱 C ,Julia 簡稱 J C:Hello Julia!很開心再次邀請妳來 COOL ,最近在忙些什麼? J:最近在忙我的新專輯,前幾個禮拜已經上了我的單曲《撥接》,是走一個比較復古 90 年代的風格,所以這張專輯可以讓大家看到比較不一樣的另一面。 C:在《撥接》MV 中,The BMW E36 is the third generation of the 3 Series compact executive cars produced by BMW. Development began in July 1981, with the final design being frozen in 1988. It was introduced in October 1990 (as a 1991 model) for Europe and in April 1991 (as a ...