這些 12 張對比照證明 長相平庸的男生都能靠留鬍子翻身成型男!
Official: BMW F20/F21 LCI: Information, Pictures and Video 許多男性時尚雜誌,都非常容易看見鬍子男模的蹤影,如澳洲的鬍子男模 Jarrod Scott、德國的 Ben Dahlhaus,看起來留鬍子確實是男性間的流行趨勢,國外網站 Buzzfeed 就整理出了 12 位靠著留鬍子變得更有型的男性,其中胖瘦都有,也出現了東方面孔,提供給所有類型的男生參考! What. An. Improvement! Well done BMW! So glad they got rid of those ugly headlights and went with more traditional style/shaped ones. This is what I imagined the 2-Series headlights to be when the 2er was still camo'd up -- if only this can be done to the...