Only in Taiwan 國外插畫家眼中的台灣怪現象
BMW i8 - Official Site國外知名插畫部落格 Stuff No One Told Me 的版主 Alex Noriega 前陣子造訪台灣後留下許多深刻印象,於是他畫成了一篇長長的台灣見聞插圖。 他的觀察可說非常入微,連台灣人我都驚訝不已,於是立刻把它翻譯下來。 p.s.作者在部落格寫道: 你可以The BMW i8 is ready to revolutionise its vehicle class. As the first sports car with the consumption and emission values of a compact car. ... The BMW i8 offers far more than pure athleticism. With its unique drive concept, it essentially reinvents the id...