bmw iphone 5 snap in adapter *NEW* BMW iPhone 5/5s Connect Snap-in Adapter, 2013+ Model Years Only: Cell Phones & Acc在Dcard看到這篇,難得女生會這麼中肯啊!說的東西幾乎女生都會有一兩樣中~台灣女生真的很難搞啊....要她直說又不講,喜歡別人用猜的;猜不中又說你不懂我...跑去跟姊妹淘哭哭,甚至上網討拍……然後很要不得的是「物以類聚」,討拍後就會一起罵男生,女生就會一直覺得自己沒錯,The BMW Connect Snap-In Adapter for the Apple iPhone 5/5S offers a premium and seamless solution for phone to vehicle integration including phone book, music, media, and BMW Apps (Facebook, Twitter, Pandora, etc.) This BMW Snap In Adapter provides a safe ...

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BMW iPhone 5 and iOS 6 Functions, Bluetooth and Y-Cable Overview and FAQ‧全面搭載Quattro智慧型恆時四輪傳動系統 ‧2.0升TFSI渦輪增壓引擎提供230hp~310hp最大馬力 ‧12.3吋LCD全數位駕駛虛擬座艙系統 ‧國內售價 TT Quattro 246萬元、TTS 312萬元 ‧國內上市日期 2015/07/24 全新TTS頂級性能版車型,搭載相同本體的Apple recently introduced the new iPhone 5. There are three key differences between it and earlier iPhone models that affect its integration in BMW vehicles. First, the physical dimensions of the body of the new phone are thinner and longer compared to th...


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