Carly for BMW WiFi OBD Adapter + App by iVINI Apps - Review PART 1 - YouTube 友情和愛情一樣,也是有保鮮期的,想一想,有多少已經不聯繫的朋友,默默地存在於你的通訊錄中。 不是不想聯繫,實在是人生殘酷,時空變幻,你我再無交集,與其相見,不如懷念,與其攀緣,不如隨緣。人生不過是一場旅行,你路過我,我路過你,然後,各自修行,各自向前。——伊北《半生素衣》** Now known as Carly for BMW, used to be called BMWhat App / iVini Apps ** Sorry for the sniffing, still got a cold... I'm genuinely really excited to test out this OBD Wifi adapter, thanks to iVini Apps for sending me this review unit. If you're interes...