BMX XXX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 想哭的時候,我會閉上眼睛不讓它流淚。 孤獨寂寞的時候,我會靜靜的想著某人。 傷心的時候,我會找個地方靜靜的發呆,然後告訴自己,要堅強。 難過的時候,我會偽裝自己,對別人笑。 失敗的時候,儘管已無力也要爬起來,我會告訴別人我很堅強BMX XXX is a 2002 video game published by Acclaim Entertainment under their AKA Acclaim banner for the Xbox, Nintendo GameCube and PlayStation 2 and developed by Z-Axis. While primarily a BMX-based action sports title, it earned most of its notoriety for ...