BANK NEGARA INDONESIA - About Us: About BNI男人意淫是一種..... 意識交媾的美學,是嚴肅的社會話題、或家庭問題,也是性慾心理學的熱門議題,但卻也是種禁忌! [成人適讀] 男人意淫,女人竊喜、暗爽,或渾然不知? 意識交媾的起因,如果打破禁忌去探究,可能會讓你或妳都驚訝不已。 意識交媾往往是迫於工作的壓力、生活的壓抑、或婚姻上的潛About BNI Established in 1946 as the first bank formed and owned by the Indonesia Government, BNI used to be called by its unabbreviated name of Bank Negara Indonesia. Historical records show that on the eve of the 30th October 1946, only a few months aft...