Bob Ross - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 照片里的這個人名叫Judy Malinowski,來自美國的俄亥俄州,只有33歲的她,昨天在醫院裡痛苦去世了。 Judy 去世前的將近兩年的時間裡,她都過着生不如死的日子。因為在這段時間她都躺在醫院的重症監護室里,承受着無盡的燒傷痛苦。 雖然Robert Norman "Bob" Ross (October 29, 1942 – July 4, 1995) was an American painter, art instructor, and television host. He was widely known as the creator and host of The Joy of Painting, an instructional television program that aired from 1983 to 1994 o...