女扮男裝大賽! 有些根本比男人還帥!
OSHA 3143 - Industrial Hygiene - Occupational Safety and Health Administration - Home 這是豆瓣兒上一個逆天的活動啊 妹子們扮男人的熱情無比高漲~ 甚至有剪了自己頭髮當鬍子的。 從1400多張照片中選了幾張給大夥兒看看。姑娘們這是要怎樣啊!! 最後一張完勝! OSHA 3143 Informational Booklet on Industrial Hygiene U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA 3143 1998 (Revised) This informational booklet is intended to provide a generic, non-exhaustive overview of a particular stan...