boeing 797

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全文閱讀 Boeing 797原作者名-日站君,並在文章開頭注明「本文轉自日本設計小站(ID:japandesign),已獲得其授權」   日式の生活美學     一談到試衣間, 可能就不由自主的想到了, Uniqlo,不雅視頻等代名詞。 你們知道在日本,試衣間和平常有何不同嗎?   &nPhotograph shows a new Boeing 797 blended-wing airliner? ... Boeing to take on Airbus with (1000 seat) giant 797 Blended Wing plane Boeing is preparing a 1000 passenger jet that could reshape the Air travel industry for the next 100 years....
