Amkor Technology: Copper Wire Bonding | Copper (Cu) Wire Bonding | Copper Wirebonding |Copper Bump |有點害羞,但曾在分別的街頭,大聲說我愛你。* 同我去廟里求簽,輕輕捉住我的手一同跪下。* 言而有信。* 從來不遲到——我遲到他不生氣。* 擁抱很久、很緊——每次我起身時幾乎是需要慢慢推開他。* 睡得比我遲一點,醒來早一點。* 朦朧醒來輕呼我的名字&mdCopper (Cu) wire has long been used as a method of connecting a silicon die to the package terminals. With the recent increase in gold (Au) wire cost, Copper Cu wire is an attractive way to manage overall package cost....