【JUKSY x Polysh】街頭時尚,他說了算!TOMMY TON 街拍生涯五週年精彩回顧
Bone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 【 JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此 】 「這可能僅是短短的五週年,但對我來說卻像是過了十年般的美好。能為 Style.com 拍攝成了我人生中最棒的機會,更帶來了許多我所想不到的友情和回憶,在當中,不受拘束的去捕捉所想要的人事物依然是工作當中最棒的喜悅。」Tommy Ton 難以Filling the interior of the bone is the cancellous bone also known as trabecular or spongy bone tissue. [6] It is an open cell porous network. Thin formations of osteoblasts covered in endosteum create an irregular network of spaces. [7] Within these spac...