Bont cycling shoes and custom shoes, speed inline, ice, quad and roller derby skates笑口常開有人洗嗎?一間房子出租給多名男女,浴室只有一間,洗澡都要排好久。一夜小吳從外頭回來,想去洗澡,但正好浴室有名女子在洗,又不知道她洗完後是否有人也等著要洗...於是小吳問:「小姐,妳下麵有人洗嗎?」那小姐生氣的回答:「下面我會自己洗啦!無聊!」配種師有個癟三在某BBS上寫了這樣一段話:「我性慾Bont offers inline and ice boots, cycling shoes, quad skates including roller derby, ice blades, frames and supplies including custom, order online Lighter Stronger Faster. I wake up early and work hard. I think outside the box. I pay attention to detail....