Boone Logan Statistics and History | Baseball-Reference.com 週末,在台北街角的咖啡廳,記者正坐在今天的訪談對象面前。陽光和煦的撒下,在悠閒的氣氛下,記者看著今天的主角,一個留著小平頭,眼神犀利,談話充滿自信的小資男孩。他叫小雷。他開口,「你可以叫我 Raymond。」聲音充滿著磁性。這可不是三年前的他。三年前,剛回國的 Raymond,正面臨人生的最大危機2015: 0-2, 5.16 ERA, 28 SO,Career: 26-17, 4.61 ERA, 364 SO, P, Yankees/WhiteSox/... 2006-2015, t:L, born in Unite. 1984 ... Summation of season totals only works for the initial case when the table is in year order. On a sorted table the results may get a...